GSP 2101
last update: 2008-11-29
- Introduction: I have collected
this patches at the web, from friends or wrote them by
myself. This here is the biggest collection of patches
you'll find at the web. If you have more patches, you want to
share, please send them to me.
- Description of files:
- .syx
These are MIDI files, which come directly
from the GSP 2101, stored by any MIDI-utility.
It can be a patch, an algorithm or a bulk dump.
- .sap
These are converted .syx files of patches, which
come from the SYSEX
to SAP converter. A .sap-file can not be
converted back to a syx-file. You must program
it by hand.
- .txt
These are text files, which describe patches.
They are written by hand.
- .alg
These are algorithm files which come from the Digitech
GSP 2101 Algorithm Editor
- .gsp-2101
These are MIDI- files, which come directly from
the GSP 2101, stored by the GSP
2101 Program Fetcher. You can change the extension to .syx file and transmit them back to
the GSP 2101. Only for firmware version 2.xx or higher.
- Patches: 495 patches with
and without Dual-S-DISC-Processing (PPC-210). They are for
different firmware versions. Different formats. Find
them here.
- Algorithms: They are in .alg
or .syx format. Find them here.
- Bulk Dumps: They are in .syx
format. Find them here.
- ZIP-file: All Patches,
Algorithms, Bulk Dumps in one
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