GS12D (Hivac)
Dekatron style counting tube
double-pulse duodecal (12-position) counting/selector tube.
Neon filled.
The following pictures show the tube spinning.
Of course, only one of the cathodes is glowing, but the opening time of the
camera generates different pictures:
a long opening time of the camera:
a short opening time of the camera:
a long opening time of the camera:
by night, with long opening time of the camera:
An animation of a spinning dekatron:
German | English | ||
Röhrentyp | Tube type | GS12D | |
Hersteller | Brand | Hivac | |
Vergleichstypen | Substitutes | - | |
Zähl-Richtung | Counting direction | bidirectional | |
Arbeitsweise | Operation | double pulse | |
Art | Sort | SEL | |
Sockel | Base | B12E + 2 flying leads | |
Fassung | Socket | B12E | |
Nullposition | Zero position | pin10 +6° | |
Zähl-Schritte | Counting steps | 12 | |
Anzahl der Hilfskathoden | Number of guides | 2 | |
Gasfüllung | Gas filling | Neon | |
Röhrendurchmesser maximal | Tube diameter max. | mm | 33,1 |
Röhrenhöhe maximal | Tube height max. | mm | 88,5 |
max. Zähl-Geschwindigkeit | Max. counting speed | kHz | 4 |
Betriebsspannung minimal | Supply volt. min. | V | 400 |
Betriebsspannung typisch | Supply volt. typ. | V | 475 |
Brennspannung typisch | Maintaining voltage typ. | V | 191 |
Anoden bzw. Kathodenstrom min. | Anode/cath. current min. | µA | 190 |
Anoden bzw. Kathodenstrom typ. | Anode/cath. current typ. | µA | 270 |
Anoden bzw. Kathodenstrom max. | Anode/cath. current max. | µA | 350 |
Anodenwiderstand typisch | Anode resistor typical | kΩ | 910 |
Spannungsdifferenz zw. 2 Kath. max. | Voltage between 2 cathodes max. | V | 140 |
Hilfskathodenvorspannnung Impulsbetrieb typ. | Guide bias typ pulse op. | V | 36 |
Hilfskathodenimpulsspannung | Guide signal voltage pulse | Vp | -145±15 |
Hilfskathodenimpulsspannung eff. (Sinus) | Guide signal voltage eff. (sine) | Veff | 40-70 |
Hilfskathodenimpulsdauer minimal | Guide signal pulse duration min | µs | 80 |
Kathodenwiderstand maximal | Cathode resistor max. | kΩ | 270 |
Ausgangsspannung | Output voltage | V | 35 |
Resetimpulsspannung | Reset pulse voltage min. | V | -120 |
Pinout & Outline:
Document #028: Ericsson book "Electronic Counting Circuits" - Dated 1967
Document #056: ETL datasheet: GS12D tube
File: GS12D.pdf
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