Die private Tausch-, Informations-und Sammler-Seite für
Nixie-, und andere Anzeigeröhren
The private information
and collector page for Nixie and other display tubes
Dekadische Zählröhren aus der E1T-Kategorie (Beam Deflection Decade Counter Tubes) |
Beam Deflection Decade Counter Tubes from the E1T-Categorie |
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Bilder/ Pictures |
Röhrentyp/ Tube Type |
Hersteller/ Brand |
Sockel/ Base |
Hinweise/ Remarks |
E1T-Valvo | Valvo | B12A | Bi-directional beam deflection decade counter tube. | |
E1T-Mullard | Mullard | B12A | Bi-directional beam deflection decade counter tube. | |
E1T-Philips | Philips Miniwatt | B12A | Bi-directional beam deflection decade counter tube. | |
Bilder/ Pictures |
Röhrentyp/ Tube Type |
Hersteller/ Brand |
Sockel/ Base |
Hinweise/ Remarks |
S10S1 | RFT | B12A | Bi-directional beam deflection
decade counter tube. Same as S10S1Sp. |
S10S1Sp | RFT | B12A | Bi-directional beam deflection decade counter tube. Same as S10S1. | |
ELW-1 | PIE | B12A | Bi-directional beam deflection decade counter tube. | |
Nocrotec E1T Clock | Myself | My clock project based on that tube |
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